FAQ: Into the Fey - A Fifth Edition Module for Levels 1-5
For the most up-to-date information about the status of our project, check our project updates on Kickstarter!

Shipping Questions & Answers

What's the estimated page count for Into the Fey?

The will be about 250 pages with the content I have planned. Many of the stretch goals unlock more content, so if we hit those, it would turn out to be a little more.

Bottom line: Into the Fey will be a good-sized book. You’ll be getting your money’s worth. (I, too, hate it when I spend $50 on a book and then it’s under 200 pages. Not cool.)

Last updated: September 06, 2020 09:34

Will Into the Fey be purchasable later?

Yes…with a caveat.

The PDF will certainly be available for purchase after the dust settles and all backers get their loot. However, I haven’t quite decided about the hardcover quite yet. The Kickstarter may be your only chance for that, but, again, I’m not 100% sure at this point.

I also want to point out SOMETHING VERY IMPORTANT: The more pledges we get during the Kickstarter means the more stretch goals we hit which means the more content EVERYONE gets. So, if you think you’ll eventually want to get the book anyway, it really behooves you to back it now via the Kickstarter because that means you’re helping ensure everyone, including you, gets more content.

Last updated: September 09, 2020 05:31

Will Into the Fey be translated into X language?

No, sorry. Currently only an English version lies within the scope of this project.

Last updated: September 09, 2020 06:55

Does Into the Fey use milestone leveling or experience-point leveling?

Neither. :)

I’ve designed the module and adventures using my Quest Point System, which is similar to milestone leveling, but with some distinctions, such as increased flexibility. So, if you currently use milestone leveling for your group, you’ll feel right at home.

What if I use experience point leveling? Since my module uses the Quest Point System, making sure the right amount of experience points were included in each adventure was not the focus of adventure design. So, if your groups use experience-point leveling, yes, there will be additional work you’ll need to do to ensure the math all adds up.

Last updated: September 09, 2020 07:16

How will the playtesting work?

For those participating in the playtest, you will receive a draft copy of the adventure module shortly after the Kickstarter closes. (I can’t promise exactly when, but it will be as quickly as I can.)

Then, once you have the draft, you can coordinate and organize play with your own personal gaming group however you see fit. We will not be involved in setting up groups (players and game masters) on our end.

A mechanism will be provided whereby you can send your feedback as you play through the module. (This might be a private Discord channel, but I’m undecided as of yet how we’ll implement it.)

Finally, there will be some light coordination of playtesting on my end, mostly with the goal of getting all of the module playtested during the timeline we have, but participation with this coordination will be voluntary.

I hope I explained this well. If not, please message me.

Last updated: September 14, 2020 08:06

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