
Into the Fey - A Fifth Edition Module for Levels 1-5

Created by The DM Lair

A 5th edition compatible adventure module themed around the Fey and featuring new creatures, magic items, and spells.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Fulfillment Update + Lairs & Legends (new project!)
over 2 years ago – Wed, Nov 17, 2021 at 01:21:33 AM

Hello there! We have some basic fulfillment updates below for, but first I want to share with you the next project I'll be launching and am super excited about...

Lairs & Legends is a Kickstarter I'll be launching in early 2022 (hopefully January, but we shall see). It will consist of two gorgeous hardcover books containing a plethora of fifth-edition compatible game master resources.

If you'd like to join our email list and get notified when Lairs & Legends goes live (and for special offers related to the project), you can do so here: Lairs & Legends Email List

We will only use your email to communicate about the Lairs & Legends Kickstarter.

Fulfillment Update

Our printer is busy printing the books, and we expect them to be finished in the next couple weeks. That means our fulfillment partner will have them in their warehouse in early December and be able to begin fulfillment right away.

My goal personal goal is to have the physical products in your hands by Christmas!

UK and EU Update

Registration for UK customs and VAT is proceeding well. The third-party company we've contracted to help move that process along has begun the registration process. Once that's finished, our fulfillment partner will be able to send physical products to their UK hub and from there fulfill throughout the UK and EU.

I deeply appreciate the patience of all UK and EU backers through this process. This was a curve ball we we weren't expecting for this project for sure. But the good news is that once we get this squared away, things should be much smoother for future projects!

Please Complete Your Surveys and Update Declined Cards

Our standard plea: We still have some backers who have not completed their surveys and whos cards are being declined. If you don't complete the survey, we won't know where to ship your stuff to, and if your card is declined, we won't be able to ship your loot either.

How do I complete the survey or update a declined card? You can update your address and credit card information in Backerkit, using the survey link you received before. If you misplaced the survey email or never got it, you can request your survey link under "Lost your survey?" on our BackerKit project page at If you still need help, send me a message on Kickstarter, and I can manually resend you the link.

Need More Help? If you need help with any of this, please send me a message here on Kickstarter and let me know how I can help.

UK and EU Shipping Update
over 2 years ago – Tue, Nov 02, 2021 at 10:16:38 PM

UK and EU Backers

There is light at the end of the tunnel for UK and EU shipping! I'm working with a company now to help pave the way for this, and it sounds like we'll be able to start shipping to UK and EU backers in early 2022. Hopefully by February, but they are telling me that the process for the documents we'll be filling do take about two months to go through government processes (barring any delays), so it's possible that might hold us up.

Thank you to all my UK and EU backers for your patience with this hiccup.

All Other Backers

Everything is proceeding as expected with our print runs. The One-Shot Collection books are already printed and in my fulfillment partner's warehouse. The Into the Fey books are supposed to finish printing by the end of November or beginning of December, which puts us on track to start shipping in December. (My hope is to have the books and other physical products in your hands by Christmas.)

Please Complete Your Surveys and Update Declined Cards

Yes, I'm gonna keep saying this in every update... We still have some backers who have not completed their surveys and whos cards are being declined. If you don't complete the survey, we won't know where to ship your stuff to, and if your card is declined, we won't be able to ship your loot either.

How do I complete the survey or update a declined card? You can update your address and credit card information in Backerkit, using the survey link you received before. If you misplaced the survey email or never got it, you can request your survey link under "Lost your survey?" on our BackerKit project page at If you still need help, send me a message on Kickstarter, and I can manually resend you the link.

Need More Help? If you need help with any of this, please send me a message here on Kickstarter and let me know how I can help.

Fulfillment to Begin in December
over 2 years ago – Thu, Oct 28, 2021 at 09:35:24 AM

We have ordered the full print runs of both Into the Fey and the One-Shot Collection. That means all 1715 books are being printed now!!! Based on the printer's estimate for printing time, it looks like we'll be able to start fulfillment in December for all non-UK and non-EU destinations.

We're still trying to sort things out for UK and EU shipping, and I don't really have any further news on that front. :( I mean, it will happen eventually, of course, it's just a matter of figuring out the legalities of it and dotting all our i's.

That's about it for this update, except for one last reminder... :)

Please Complete Your Surveys and Update Declined Cards

We still have some backers who have not completed their surveys and whos cards are being declined. If you don't complete the survey, we won't know where to ship your stuff to, and if your card is declined, we won't be able to ship your loot either.

How do I complete the survey or update a declined card? You can update your address and credit card information in Backerkit, using the survey link you received before. If you misplaced the survey email or never got it, you can request your survey link under "Lost your survey?" on our BackerKit project page at If you still need help, send me a message on Kickstarter, and I can manually resend you the link.

Need More Help? If you need help with any of this, please send me a message here on Kickstarter and let me know how I can help.

I Held the Into the Fey Hardcover in My Hands!
over 2 years ago – Thu, Oct 07, 2021 at 07:06:15 PM

I got the 1st proof of the Into the Fey hardcover last week. I HELD IT IN MY HANDS! So cool. :)

Upon review, there were a few things that needed updated. We've now updated them, and I've ordered another proof from the printer. If this next one looks good, we'll be ready to do our full print run!!! :D

The One-Shot Collection hardcover is all set to do the print run already, by the way. The first proof had some dark images, but we corrected that, and the second proof looked great.

TLDR; we're almost there!!! :D

Please Complete Your Surveys and Update Declined Cards

We still have quite a few backers who have not completed their surveys and whos cards are being declined. If you don't complete the survey, we won't know where to ship your stuff to, and if your card is declined, we won't be able to ship your loot either.

How do I complete the survey or update a declined card? You can update your address and credit card information in Backerkit, using the survey link you received before. If you misplaced the survey email or never got it, you can request your survey link under "Lost your survey?" on our BackerKit project page at If you still need help, send me a message on Kickstarter, and I can manually resend you the link.

Need More Help? If you need help with any of this, please send me a message here on Kickstarter and let me know how I can help.


The Into the Fey PDF is Available Now! :D
almost 3 years ago – Wed, Sep 22, 2021 at 02:29:59 AM

Both PDFs and Map Pack Are Ready!

Last week I distributed the Into the Fey PDF, the One-Shot Collection PDF, and the digital Map Pack. For everyone receiving those items, they are available for you in Backerkit as digital downloads, and an email notification was sent to you as well.

This leaves with the physical products to fulfill now. :D

Projected Fulfillment Timeline

I suppose it's only fitting to follow up the good news with crummy news. The printer took longer than expected processing the physical print file for Into the Fey, and I've just now been able to order a physical proof for review prior to beginning the full print run for all 1500 or so book. It will take a couple weeks to get that physical proof in my hands, and then if it looks good we can begin the full print run.

However, it it has any issues, that'll mean going back to my interior design guys, making updates, resubmitting to the printer, and ordering a new proof. (So let's hope that doesn't happen.) And once we do order the full print run for Into the Fey and the One-Shot Collection, printing time is a shade over 1.5 months.

So, the TLDR here is we're looking at fulfillment of physical products to begin in December. I wish there were something I could do to magically make it happen sooner, but delay after delay just stacked up on us, and my hands are tied.

Of course...if you live in the UK or European Union, the news unfortunately gets worse. Complex import and tax laws -- that also somewhat recently changed, making things even more complicated -- are making it extremely difficult to ship any products there. I'm working with my fulfillment partner and a 3rd party to navigate this situation, but I'm getting the feeling this is going to be a long road.

Thus, my bottom line for when fulfillment to the UK or EU can happen is that it will definitely won't happen in December. My hope is that we can get it done in early 2022. Sorry, we were unprepared for an AC of 30 versus international commerce and shipping.

Please Complete Your Surveys and Update Declined Cards

We still have quite a few backers who have not completed their surveys and whos cards are being declined. If you don't complete the survey, we won't know where to ship your stuff to, and if your card is declined, we won't be able to ship your loot either.

How do I complete the survey or update a declined card? You can update your address and credit card information in Backerkit, using the survey link you received before. If you misplaced the survey email or never got it, you can request your survey link under "Lost your survey?" on our BackerKit project page at If you still need help, send me a message on Kickstarter, and I can manually resend you the link.

Need More Help? If you need help with any of this, please send me a message here on Kickstarter and let me know how I can help.


Here are some photos of the One-Shot Collection proof that arrived last week. :D