
Into the Fey - A Fifth Edition Module for Levels 1-5

Created by The DM Lair

A 5th edition compatible adventure module themed around the Fey and featuring new creatures, magic items, and spells.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Into the Fey Project Update #19
almost 3 years ago – Tue, Jul 06, 2021 at 08:01:09 PM

Work that's taken place since the last update:

Interior Layout & Design. The interior layout and design for the One-Shot Collection is fully drafted! We are now reviewing, providing feedback, and making final updates. Interior layout for Into the Fey is making great progress but running a bit behind schedule as well.

Tactical Tokens. Manufacturing has finished! Packaging is underway! :D

Shirts & Dice Bags. Manufacturing is finishing up for these.

Upcoming work on my plate:

Wallpaper & Art Pack. (no change) This was a first-day backer digital reward. I need to get it squared away and ready for fulfillment.

One-Shots & Private Hangouts. (no change) Backers at the $500 and $1000 tiers get 1-on-1 voice calls and one-shot D&D games, respectively, with me. Sometime in the days ahead, I will be reaching out to you via Kickstarter message and/or email to make arrangements for these benefits, if I haven't already.

Shipping & Logistics. (no change) Work is ongoing to get everything ready to support fulfillment of physical products.

Address Lock & Credit Card Charge. This is scheduled to happen about 1 month before we actually begin shipping.

Projected Fulfillment Timeline

With the delay to interior layout of Into the Fey, this is our projected fulfillment timeline if everything goes smoothly hereon out:

August - digital products fulfilled via Backerkit (Into the Fey, One-Shot Collection, etc.)

September - digital products shipped; arrive timeframe will depend on shipping time from the US to where you live.

Teaser Photos!

Chapter 1: Into the Fey
Chapter 1: Into the Fey
Chapter 1: Into the Fey
Chapter 2: Into the Fey
Tactical Tokens
Tactical Tokens
Tactical Tokens
Tactical Tokens

Into the Fey Project Update #18
about 3 years ago – Thu, Jun 17, 2021 at 02:20:06 PM

Work that's taken place since the last update:

Interior Layout & Design. I've approved the templates for both book interiors and the graphic designers are at work laying things out. This work is expected to take us through June.

Tactical Tokens. Token manufacturing has about a week left. Nearly done!

Shirts & Dice Bags. Manufacturing is underway for these.

Posters. These are done, and I have them now. :D

Upcoming work on my plate:

Wallpaper & Art Pack. This was a first-day backer digital reward. I need to get it squared away and ready for fulfillment. (My intention is to release this via BackerKit just as soon as it's ready. No waiting for the physical stuff to be done and shipping.)

One-Shots & Private Hangouts. Backers at the $500 and $1000 tiers get 1-on-1 voice calls and one-shot D&D games, respectively, with me. Sometime in the days ahead, I will be reaching out to you via Kickstarter message and/or email to make arrangements for these benefits, if I haven't already.

Shipping & Logistics. Work is ongoing to get everything ready to support fulfillment of physical products.

Address Lock & Credit Card Charge. This is scheduled to happen about 1 month before we actually begin shipping. Right now, we're hoping to begin shipping at the beginning of August. That means we'd do the lock and charge at the beginning of July. However, that is all going to depend on how manufacturing proceeds.

Interior Layout Sneak Peak

These are NOT final layouts, just samples to tease you with. :D

One-Shot Collection Interior
One-Shot Collection Interior
Into the Fey Interior Mockup

Into the Fey Project Update #17
about 3 years ago – Wed, Jun 02, 2021 at 11:45:31 PM

Orders Have Locked

Orders have now locked (meaning you'll no longer be able to update your order or addons through Backerkit). However, you can still update your shipping address as needed through Backerkit.

Shipping address locks and credit card charges (for addons and shipping) are future events on our horizon, and I'll announce them as they come up.

Getting a Survey Link. If you misplaced the survey email or never got it, you can request your survey link under "Lost your survey?" on our BackerKit project page at

Work that's taken place since the last update:

Interior Layout & Design. The copy and artwork for Into the Fey and the One-Shot Collection has been delivered to the graphic designers handling interior layout and design. This work is expected to take us through June.

Tactical Tokens. All artwork has been delivered to Dave over at Tactical Tokens and token manufacturing has begun!

Order Lock and Final Numbers to Manufacturers. We locked orders and sent final numbers of books, tokens, t-shirts, etc. to our manufacturers.

Upcoming work on my plate:

Shipping & Logistics. I've met with the 3PL who will be handling shipping (Quartermaster Logistics), and we're beginning to get everything ready to support fulfillment of physical products.

Odds & Ends. There's  a variety of little things that need doing that probably don't interest folks, but rest assuredly, they're getting done. :D

Address Lock & Credit Card Charge. This is scheduled to happen about 1 month before we actually begin shipping. Right now, we're hoping to begin shipping at the beginning of August. That means we'd do the lock and charge at the beginning of July. However, that is all going to depend on how manufacturing proceeds.

Right now the potential setback I see looming is interior layout and design of Into the Fey. It's taken a lot longer to get things rolling with layout than I had hoped, though just today my graphic designer said it should be done by the end of June. Right now I'm hopeful that it will go well, but if delays come up, I won't be surprised either.

If layout is done and approved by the end of June, we can starting printing in July, and should have the books ready for August. And then we can ship. (I'm far less concerned about the other physical products. They seem to be marching along quite well.)

Into the Fey Project Update #16
about 3 years ago – Tue, May 18, 2021 at 11:56:11 PM

Orders Will Lock This Saturday, May 22

This Saturday, May 22 we'll be doing an order lock, meaning you'll no longer be able to update your order or addons through Backerkit at that point. (Later on down the road prior to shipping, we'll do an address lock. But up until that point, you'll still be able to update your address, in case you move or whatnot.)

If you have a problem with completing your survey, please send me a message here on Kickstarter. Please do not leave comments on posts. (If you do, I'll just ask you to send me a message. :) )

If you haven't filled out the survey, check your email. I just had Backerkit send an automated email to everyone who hasn't completed the survey. In that email you'll find the link for where you can do the survey.

Getting a Survey Link. If you misplaced the survey email or never got it, you can request your survey link under "Lost your survey?" on our BackerKit project page at

Work that's taken place since the last update:

Digital Tokens.  The digital tokens are done!

Copy Editing. Copy editing has finished with the One-Shot Collection adventures.

Interior Layout & Design. The copy and artwork for Into the Fey has been delivered to the graphic designer handling interior layout and design.

Into the Fey Maps. We have the last of the digital files for the overland maps in now! :D So all maps are done, done, and done!

Upcoming work on my plate:

Tactical Tokens. I'm working on some prep work to the artwork so that Dave over at Tactical Tokens can begin designing the tokens for Into the Fey. Yay! :D

Interior Layout and Design.  I need to create the GM versions of the One-Shot Collection maps and deliver that and the copy to my graphic designer for that interior layout to begin.

Order Lock and Final Numbers to Manufacturers. As mentioned above, we'll be locking the orders on May 22. Then we can send final numbers of books, tokens, t-shirts, etc. to our manufacturers.

Into the Fey Project Update #15
about 3 years ago – Wed, May 05, 2021 at 07:26:06 PM

Orders Will Lock May 22

I've promised and threatened to lock the surveys for some time now, and come May 22, it will happen. (Promise!) This will be an order lock, meaning you'll no longer be able to update your order or addons through Backerkit at that point. (Later on down the road prior to shipping, we'll do an address lock. But up until that point, you'll still be able to update your address, in case you move or whatnot.)

If you haven't filled out the survey, check your email. I just had Backerkit send an automated email to everyone who hasn't completed the survey. In that email you'll find the link for where you can do the survey.

Getting a Survey Link. If you misplaced the survey email or never got it, you can request your survey link under "Lost your survey?" on our BackerKit project page at

Work that's taken place since the last update:

Artwork. We have all the artwork in!!! :D

Tactical Tokens. The artwork has been delivered to Dave over at Tactical Tokens so he can begin designing the tokens for Into the Fey. Yay! :D

Digital Tokens. The artwork has been delivered to Ed Robinson so he can begin creating the digital tokens that will be included as part of the Digital Map Pack.

Copy Editing. My editor is nearly complete with the One-Shot Collection adventures.

Interior Layout & Design. Into the Fey is ready to begin interior layout and design, and we're beginning to kick off that process with my graphic designer. The One-Shot Collection should be ready for interior layout by mid-May.

Into the Fey Maps. All of the dungeon maps are done now. The overland maps are done, but I'm just waiting on the digital image files.

Upcoming work on my plate:

Interior Layout and Design. This is the big boy. Not much work for me personally to do, but my graphic designers will be hard at work.

Order Lock and Final Numbers to Manufacturers. As emphasized above, we'll be locking the orders on May 22. Then we can send final numbers of books, tokens, t-shirts, etc. to our manufacturers.


This will be the last time I share artwork with you all. I don't want to unveil everything--gotta leave some surprises for when you get the final product!--so enjoy this last teaser. :D