
Into the Fey - A Fifth Edition Module for Levels 1-5

Created by The DM Lair

A 5th edition compatible adventure module themed around the Fey and featuring new creatures, magic items, and spells.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Milestones, Baby! :D
almost 4 years ago – Sat, Sep 12, 2020 at 08:06:09 PM

Oh, yeah, we just hit two huge milestones for the project: 1000 backers and our $50k stretch goal. Thank you so much to everyone who's backed the project thus far and is helping make this dream become a reality.

The next huge step forward will be our $60k stretch goal which will unlock FULL-PAGE ARTWORK for all backers. This is another of those stretch goals I've been salivating about (almost as much as I do for cheeseburgers) because it's going to make the final product so much more awesome for everyone. If we can hit it by Monday, I'll be stoked!

Take care everyone, and enjoy your weekends! :D


We Have Random Potions!
almost 4 years ago – Thu, Sep 10, 2020 at 04:06:34 AM

Great news: all backers now get the random potion system with our $45k stretch goal lying behind us. And next up are 10 fully fleshed-out NPCs with Artwork for each once we hit the $50k stretch goal!

We are just over a week into the Kickstarter, and we're trending super well. At this rate, we'll definitely be able to nail many more stretch goals. I really really want these stretch goals because it means the product will be that much better for everyone.

Update for everyone who signed up for the drafts and playtest: the draft is 90% complete at this point. I have the last core adventure drafted, and plan to add final touches this week. Then I ship it over to my man Tashio who's already running a private playtest prior to the open playtest. So, I'm quite optimistic that you'll have the draft in your hands by late October to begin playing with your friends, and participating in the playtest.

Thank you for your generous support of this project!


On Our Way to the Random Potion System!
almost 4 years ago – Mon, Sep 07, 2020 at 08:00:04 PM

We did it. We unlocked Half-Page Art at our $40k stretch goal. I'm very happy about that one as I'm super excited to put as much cool art in this adventure module as possible.

And our next stretch goal is a Random Potion System at $45k. The idea here is to have a mechanism whereby a game master can generate potions randomly -- potions that their players might find in a hag's hut, for instance, that might have beneficial, neutral, and even negative properties.

Remember, the more stretch goals we unlock, the more content all backers get! So, let's keep sharing this project across our social networks and try to get as much cool stuff as we can.

Finally, an important question came up (and is now added to the FAQs): How many pages will be in the adventure module? The content I have planned and that we've unlocked so far via stretch goals is putting the book around 250 pages. So, yeah, you'll be getting your money's worth.

Thanks for your generous pledges that have allowed us to get this far in under a week! :D


Stretch Goal Unlocked: Player Handouts!
almost 4 years ago – Sat, Sep 05, 2020 at 09:55:34 PM

Oh yeah, we just unlocked the $35k stretch goal: Player Handouts. Now everyone gets slick handouts for their players, including a separate printable PDF of all handouts.

The next stretch goal at $40k unlocks Half-Page Art for everyone. I'm really excited about this one because it will allow me to commission some kicking artwork for the module. And I have so many amazing artists lined up... :D

Thank you to everyone who's backed this project thus far. I'm looking forward to smashing through more stretch goals and giving you all more cool stuff!


Funded in 6 Hours - On to the Stretch Goals!
almost 4 years ago – Fri, Sep 04, 2020 at 08:50:18 PM

Thanks so much to everyone who's supported this project! You destroyed the $10k funding goal in about 6 hours. Thank you!!!

Which means we're now on to knocking out stretch goals, giving everyone more cool stuff! The first stretch goal is at $25k and will unlock four entire new adventures for everyone. This means the module could be used past 5th level, or you could swap out one quest for another one you like better. Either way, more content never hurts. :D

The project is trending pretty good right now, so we might even hit that stretch goal today!

I'm excited to see what lies ahead. Thanks again to everyone for the incredible support you've shown!
