
Into the Fey - A Fifth Edition Module for Levels 1-5

Created by The DM Lair

A 5th edition compatible adventure module themed around the Fey and featuring new creatures, magic items, and spells.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Into the Fey Project Update #9
over 3 years ago – Wed, Feb 03, 2021 at 12:58:33 AM

Work that's taken place since the last update:

Incorporated Playtest Feedback. This was my big accomplishment for this last two-week stretch. Had to get things in order for my copy-editor! :D Playtest feedback is still incoming, and I'll continue to incorporate it, but I feel like the majority of it is squared away now.

Artwork. Work on this never stops. Just today I sent art notes for several full-page and half-page illustrations to one of my art partners. (These were for the stretch goal adventures I recently completed.)

Third-Party Logistics. I've been meeting with and getting things squared away with a 3PL that will be handling shipping.

Upcoming work on my plate:

Finish Level-4 Stretch Goal Adventures. I spend yesterday and this morning drafting the last stretch goal adventure: The Candy Witch. I hope to have it done in the next week or so and over to playtesters! :D

Copy Editing. Final drafts of parts of the module will be heading over to my copyeditor in the next couple days, and she'll start digging into things.


Let's do some sneak peaks of MAPS today. I haven't really shown any of those yet, have I? These aren't 100% finished, yet, but these are strong drafts.

These were made by my Dungeon Cartographer Lani over at Paths of Inspiration. Love her work so much!!! 

Into the Fey Project Update #8
over 3 years ago – Tue, Jan 19, 2021 at 07:16:37 PM

A Note About the Playtest

If you backed at a tier that is part of the playtest, you should have access to a channel in my Discord titled "Playtest Lair." Information about the playtest, where to leave feedback, and other information is posted in that channel. If you don't have access and you should, please send me a message here on Kickstarter.

I also want to give a huge shoutout and thank you to Beth N. for creating all the awesome VTT maps for all the playtesters to use. Very much appreciated!!! :D

Work that's taken place since the last update:

Jealousy Suits You. This level-three stretch goal adventure has now been drafted and handed over to the playtesters for fun and games.

Artwork. I have various artists working away on the artwork, including maps for the adventures, region maps, and a map of the town of Aeredale.

Upcoming work on my plate:

Incorporate Playtest Feedback. This is my next big focus as I need to start getting parts of the manuscript over to my copyeditor starting in February.

Finish Level-4 Stretch Goal Adventures. I have just one more stretch goal adventure to create!


Artwork in various stages of completion below. :)

Into the Fey Project Update #7
over 3 years ago – Wed, Jan 06, 2021 at 01:04:02 AM

TLDR; not too much has changed over the last two weeks. I took time over the holidays to rest a little, take a family vacation, etc. But here we go...

Work that's taken place since the last update:

Level 3 Stretch Goal Adventure Draft Begun. It's probably about 33% done.

Copyeditor Contracted. I now have a professional copyeditor chosen and contract to edit the manuscript prior to publishing.

Dice Bag Production Begun. Heather over at Amusing Designs has begun production on the dice bags. They should be done in early February.

Upcoming work on my plate:

Finish Level 3 and 4 Stretch Goal Adventures. I still have two more stretch goal adventures to create.

Incorporate Playtest Feedback. The playtest has been going on for a few weeks now, and already great feedback is coming in. I'll be looking to incorporate this into the module, naturally.


Artwork in various stages of completion below. :)

Into the Fey Project Update #6
over 3 years ago – Fri, Dec 18, 2020 at 01:41:57 AM

Work that's taken place since the last update:

"The Shrubbery Knights" Adventure Drafted. I finished drafting this level two stretch goal adventure.

Artwork Commissions. Reviewing and approving artwork and maps, an ongoing effort. :D

Copyeditor. I'm working on contracting a professional copyeditor to edit the manuscript.

Upcoming work on my plate:

Draft Level 3 and 4 Stretch Goal Adventures. I still have two more stretch goal adventures to create.

Incorporate Playtest Feedback. The playtest has been going on for a few weeks now, and already great feedback is coming in. I'll be looking to incorporate this into the module, naturally.


Artwork in various stages of completion below. :)

Into the Fey Project Update #5
over 3 years ago – Thu, Dec 03, 2020 at 03:28:29 PM

Work that's taken place since the last update:

Sent the Draft PDF. All Kickstarter backers who pledged for the Into the Fey Draft and Playtest can download the Into the Fey Draft PDF from Backerkit. See instructions below for accessing the file.

Playtest Lair Set Up on My Discord. This is where we'll be organizing playtesting and I'll send out updates/information to playtesters. (If you backed at the playtesting level and don't have access to the Playtest Lair channel, see below.)

Hag Potion System and Player Handouts. These were both stretch goals and not committed to for the draft, but I managed to get them done and included. :)

"Who Hunts the Hunters?" Adventure Drafted. I finished drafting this level one stretch goal adventure.

Upcoming work on my plate:

Draft Level 2, 3, and 4 Stretch Goal Adventures. I still have three more stretch goal adventures to create.

Artwork Commissions. It's an ongoing task to work with artists on the commissions coming in. Basic artwork notes have already been provided. Now it's a matter of reviewing drafts, offering feedback, and whatnot.

Getting the Into the Fey Draft

If you pledged at a level that receives the Into the Fey Draft, it's now available to download from Backerkit. You should have received an email from Backerkit with a link to the download, but if you didn't (or it's trapped in spam), you can download the file from Backerkit's site. You'll need to log into your Backerkit account, go to the Into the Fey backer page, and then select "Get Your Digital Downloads."

The Playtest

This information pertains to backers who pledged at a level that included playtesting access.

The playtest is being organized on my Discord server. If you have already joined my server and provided your Discord user ID in the Backerkit survey, you should have access.

However...over 50% of the Discord user IDs provided in the survey do not work, meaning we couldn't add those backers to the playtest channel. If you do not have access to the playtest channel and you want to participate in playtesting, follow these steps:

1. Make sure you entered your Discord user ID correctly in the Backerkit survey you completed. This should be your permanent user ID, not your username as these are not unique identifiers.

2. Make sure you’ve joined my Discord. If you haven’t, use this link to do so:

3. Send me a message on Kickstarter. (Don't leave a comment on this post. Send me a message.)


Some more cool artwork to tease you all with. :)