
Into the Fey - A Fifth Edition Module for Levels 1-5

Created by The DM Lair

A 5th edition compatible adventure module themed around the Fey and featuring new creatures, magic items, and spells.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Into the Fey Project Update #4
over 3 years ago – Wed, Nov 18, 2020 at 10:35:52 PM

Work that's taken place since the last update:

  • Sent the Survey to all backers. Please fill this out ASAP, especially if you are involved in the playtest. Remember, you can also update your address at any point if you move. If you misplaced the survey email or never got it, you can request your survey link under "Lost your survey?" on our BackerKit project page at
  • Artwork Commissions. Work has begun, and I'm getting drafts to approve already. Some cool samples are at the end of this update. :)

Upcoming work on my plate

  • Send the Draft PDF to playtesters. I know I said mid-November for this in a previous update, but we're now looking at end of November. Last week and the beginning of this I was sunk in video scripting and filming for December videos, and I lost some ground here. Not an excuse; just a statement of fact. (These are the joys of running a YT channel: every month the beast demands more food.)
  • Hag Potion System and Player Handouts. These were both stretch goals, but I'm really hoping to have them at least drafted for the first version of the playtest PDF.

Artwork :)

There are all first drafts - call it concept art if you will.

BackerKit Surveys Going Out Soon!
over 3 years ago – Tue, Nov 10, 2020 at 11:04:52 PM


Soon, you’ll receive an email from me with a special link to your BackerKit survey. It’s important to respond to your survey as quickly as you can since I need this information to fulfill your rewards.

You don’t need to create a BackerKit account to fill out your survey. When you receive the email with the survey, click the survey link to respond. Answer the questions about your reward preferences, provide shipping information, and purchase add-on items if you like. You don’t have access to this survey link yet, but it will be available soon via email.

After you respond to your survey, you can go back later and change your responses at any time before we close the surveys and get our final counts (which won't happen for a while).

If you need to review your information or pledge status, you can return to your survey by clicking the link in your survey email or requesting your survey link under "Lost your survey?" on our BackerKit project page at

If you used your Facebook credentials to log in to your Kickstarter account, the BackerKit survey is sent to the email address you use for your Facebook account. If you have another email address that you prefer to use, please contact support at

Thank you so much!


Into the Fey Project Update #3
over 3 years ago – Wed, Nov 04, 2020 at 07:23:16 PM

Here we go. Into the Fey project update!

Work that's taken place since the last update:

  • Finished draft of Appendix C: Monsters & NPCs. This includes several homebrew monsters unlocked through stretch goals, too.
  • Finished draft of Appendix D: Magic Items. This includes homebrew magic items unlocked through stretch goals.
  • Backerkit Survey Preperations. I've been getting everything set up prior to sending the survey out. It has been submitted for Backerkit review.
  • Artwork Commissions. I've been reaching out to artists, getting on their calendars, drawing up contracts, and preparing artwork notes that will drive their work.

Upcoming work on my plate

  • Send the Survey to all backers. This is where you'll answer any questions specific to benefits you'll be receiving and you'll be able to select any addons you'd like. I should be able to start sending this by the end of the week, pending successful Backerkit review.
  • Create the Draft PDF for distribution to playtesters. I'm hoping to get this out as by mid November so playtesting can begin.

Survey Information

This is important information about the Backerkit survey when it comes out:

  • There will be several important questions for you to answer, depending on your pledge level. If you don't answer these, I won't be able to fulfill all your benefits. (This is particularly important for everyone getting the draft and participating in playtesting.)
  • You can choose addons as part of the survey. Extra shirt? Dice bag? This is the time to do it.
  • The survey will have a deadline. This allows me to get important information for the playtest and rough estimates on orders.
  • However, the survey won't "lock" until later in 2021 prior to printing books and all that. That means you'll be able to update things later, such as your addons. (And I'll tell you prior to the survey locking.)

Thank you!


Into the Fey Project Update #2
over 3 years ago – Wed, Oct 21, 2020 at 02:53:48 AM

Hello folks!

It's time for our twice monthly update on where the Into the Fey project stands. I'll keep these all short and sweet.

This is the work that's taken place since the last update:

  • Draft of Chapter 1: Aeredale finished. It included information about the starter town Aeredale, the region around Aeredale, and the corresponding region on the Fey Plane.
  • Draft of the Introduction finished. This includes important information about running the module for your players.

This is the upcoming work I'm looking at:

  • Finish draft of Appendix C: Monsters & NPCs. This includes several homebrew monsters unlocked through stretch goals, too.
  • Finish draft of Appendix D: Magic Items. This includes homebrew magic items unlocked through stretch goals.
  • Create the Draft PDF for distribution to playtesters. I'm hoping to get this out in early November so playtesting can begin.
  • Prepare to send the Survey to all backers. This is where you'll answer any questions specific to benefits you'll be receiving and you'll be able to select any addons you'd like. My goal is to get this out by the end of October.

Thank you!


Into the Fey Project Update #1
over 3 years ago – Wed, Oct 07, 2020 at 07:38:39 PM

Hello folks!

So this is the plan: the first and third Tuesday of every month my goal is to send you all an update on where I'm at with the module. This might feel like overkill for some of you, but you can always just delete or archive the updates if the details don't interest you. However, others would appreciate knowing where things stand, and I felt like once a month wouldn't be frequent enough. So you got every two weeks.

State of the Project

Adventures. All seven of the core adventures for the module are drafted, and have been undergoing a small private playtest. This includes custom fey creatures and magic items that appear in them. The four stretch goal adventures still need to be drafted.

Maps. My dungeon cartographer, Lani, has been working on the maps for a couple months now. We got a head start on them before the Kickstarter ever launched to make sure we'd have them plenty in advance. The maps for two adventures are done. She's working on the third now.

Next Steps

Currently Writing. I'm working now on finishing the draft of the starter town, Aeredale, which includes the region around the town and the Fey Plane that corresponds to the area.

Backerkit Survey. My goal is to get the survey sent out by the end of October. This is where you'll be able to select addons you may want, enter the name you'd like in the book (if you pledged at a tier that included credits), enter your shipping address--stuff like that.

Open Playtest. I would love to start this at the beginning of November for those who pledged for this tier. To do this I really just need to finish drafting the starter town (per the note above) and incorporate any pending feedback from the private playtest.

Artwork. I plan to start commissioning the rest of the artwork for the module soon.

Other Stretch Goals. Work will begin on these when the above items are either done or in flight.

I think that's most of the big rocks for now. Let me know if there's anything else burning on your mind I can address. The best way to communicate with me about this project is through Kickstarter messages. Also feel free to swing by any of my live streams on Twitch or YouTube; I'm always happy to talk there, too.

Thank you again for everyone who pledged to Into the Fey and made this project possible!
