
Into the Fey - A Fifth Edition Module for Levels 1-5

Created by The DM Lair

A 5th edition compatible adventure module themed around the Fey and featuring new creatures, magic items, and spells.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

We did it! Into the Fey Funding is a Success!
almost 4 years ago – Fri, Oct 02, 2020 at 07:34:00 PM

Now begins the work of creating the final adventure module. :D

However, first I want to thank everyone who helped bring this project to life. I so much appreciate every one of you and am deeply grateful.

This is what you all unlocked via stretch goals:

  • Four More Adventures
  • Digital Map Pack
  • Player Handouts
  • Half-Page Art
  • Random Potion System
  • Ten NPCs with Artwork
  • Full-Page Art
  • Ten Monsters with Artwork
  • Ten Magic Items with Artwork
  • More Artwork Throughout

So awesome! I love that we're going to be able to put so much cool art in this book!

What Lies Ahead

Pledge Manager and Survey. At some point here you'll be receiving a link to the pledge manager and survey where you'll be able to make important selections about your rewards (such as the name to be entered for Contributor Credits) and select any add-ons you may want. I can't promise exactly when that will be as I have quite a few things to do on my end, and this being my first Kickstarter, I've yet to navigate through them all to give you an idea of when that may be.

Playtest. For those involved in the playtest, that will be starting soon, too. My goal is to have that ready to launch by the beginning of November if at all possible. I'm just putting the finishing touches on the draft now, which is 95% complete, but there is a lot of stuff for me to do in October, so we'll see how this goes.

Thank you again to everyone who backed this project! You all rock!


Only Two Days Left!
almost 4 years ago – Thu, Oct 01, 2020 at 05:56:19 AM

With just under two days left in the Kickstarter, we just hit our $80k stretch goal, unlocking ten magic items with artwork for everyone. Let's keep the momentum going and see how many more stretch goals we can hit. The next one is at $90k for more artwork throughout the entire module. Remember, every stretch goal we unlock is more content for everyone!

If you're planning on buying add-ons later, you can also over pledge to your tier in Kickstarter and then that money rolls over to be spent on add-ons in the pledge manager that will open up after the Kickstarter closes.

Also, let's keep sharing the project in our social circles to spread awareness and get more content for everyone.

Thanks so much for all the support. I deeply appreciate it. If it has seemed like I've been a little silent the last week or so, I apologize. We recently lost a close family member, and it's been challenging working through that and all the other projects I juggle. Thank you for bearing with me.

Now let's see if we can hit $100k on this thing! :D


We Hit $70k and Unlocked 10 Monsters with Artwork!
almost 4 years ago – Tue, Sep 29, 2020 at 07:10:07 PM

Nice. Another stretch goal surrounded and pounded. Now everyone gets ten new fey monsters and artwork! :D

The next stretch goal at $80k is ten new magic items with artwork. There's under a week left in the Kickstarter campaign. Do you think we can hit that? (Shoot, I really want the $100k stretch goal of ten fey spells. I would LOVE to hit that goal!)

On my end I continue to work on the module drafts so the playtest can start as soon as possible after project close. And there's lots of other logistical work going on that I won't bore you with. Suffice it to say, I have no problem keeping busy getting everything ready for the next steps of the project.

Thank you so much to everyone who's helped make this project so successful! Really appreciate you!


We Have Full-Page Art!
almost 4 years ago – Mon, Sep 21, 2020 at 05:54:15 PM

That's right, the coveted stretch goal for full-page art (well, at least I was coveting it...) has been met. So awesome. I'm excited to be able to put more artwork in the module to be able to better set the atmosphere of the adventures and story.

Next up at our $70k stretch goal we have ten new fey monsters with artwork. So this one will unlock more content and more art. It's a two-fer. :D Let's try to keep sharing the project with our social networks to unlock as much additional content as we can!

On my end work proceeds in getting the draft ready for the playtest that will open up after the Kickstarter finishes. That's really going to be my main focus here for the next while, to be honest, though I'm sure I'll forget that you already know that and keep mentioning it in my updates.

Thank you to everyone who's help bring the project this far! Really appreciate you all!


Nearly at Our Next Stretch Goal: Full-Page Art
almost 4 years ago – Sat, Sep 19, 2020 at 08:46:29 AM

We just crossed the $55k mark yesterday, putting us within striking distance of our next stretch goal at $60k: Full-Page Art. This is another of the stretch goals that I'm really excited to nail. I really want to deliver a product will inspire game masters and players alike with stunning artwork. And, as I've said before just about every time I show in live streams art I've already commissioned, I really do have some amazing artists lined up for this.

Remember, that every stretch goal we hit means more content for every backer. So, please keep sharing this project in your social circles and networks to spread the message, get as many backers as possible, and unlock as much content for everyone as we can.

On my end I've been working on tightening up the draft of the final core adventure in the module and fleshing out details on how the open playtest will work once the Kickstarter closes at the end of September.

Thank you so much for the support you've shown thus far. I so much appreciate it!
